Bioaadidura not affect the power directly. Its action consists in the strengthening of the blood vessels, increases the level of testosterone, the activation of the blood circulation, improve nerve conduction. The list of the most important to the power of connection is shown in the table 1.

Table 1. Vitamins for power
Name of the | Daily dose | The sphere of influence |
A (retinol) | 1-3 mg | Is responsible for the state of the mucosa (epithelium of the organs genito-urinary), and the skin, regulates the processes of cell division and the mineral change, normalizes production of sex hormones, participates in the synthesis of cholesterol (needed for testosterone production). |
D (calciferoles) | 0,02-0,05 mg | Affects the production of testosterone, support the libido, the muscle tone, the nervous system. |
E (tocopherol, "antisterility vitamin") | 10-15 mg | It is necessary for the synthesis of gonadotropin (which stimulates the production of sex hormones) hormone of the pituitary gland, improves metabolism, stimulates sexual function. In case of deficiency of the ability of fertility decreases (it breaks down the structure of the seminiferous tubules, reduction in the number of sex cells). |
B1 (thiamine) | 2-3 mg | It is responsible for the nervous system, the conductivity, the tone of the nervous system. With the lack of worsening of quality of orgasm, to reduce the sensitivity of nerve receptors of the genitalia, it appears the chronic fatigue. |
B2 (riboflavin) | 2-3 mg | Regulate metabolic processes, sugar levels, clear the blood. |
B5 (pantothenic acid) | 10-15 mg | |
Vitamin b6 (pyridoxine) | 2-4 mg | |
B12 (cyanocobalamin) | 0,001-0,003 mg | It is necessary for the transformation of carotene into vitamin A, which stimulates the processes of education of proteins and nucleic acids. |
B9 (folic acid) | 400 micrograms | Participates in the formation of the libido. When the intake decreases libido, impairs the quality of the sperm. |
With | 80 mg | Necessary for the formation of the immunity (for the prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system), as well as for the assimilation of vitamin D. |
In addition to the vitamins, the men it needed, and minerals (between parenthesis, the daily amount): selenium (100 mg), zinc (15 mg), magnesium (420 mg for men after the age of 30), manganese (5 mg), chromium (50 ág). All of these elements, along with plant extracts and enzymes included in the composition of the complex additive.
Who needs supplements and how to take
Taking vitamins with artificial only in cases in which the lack of them is not possible to complement the food: of the disease, the characteristics of the profession (the explorers, the astronauts, the marine). In normal conditions, the products of the nutraceutical industry, it makes sense to resort to the obvious symptoms of the lack of an element, that is to say, consciously. For example: often targets lips, scaly skin, drink a course of vitamins A and E, then adjust the diet to include fatty fish and vegetable oils (vitamin E, a lot in normal, sunflower seeds).
To the young men, the administration of food supplements is rarely necessary, and after 40 years increases the need for antioxidants c and E, which slow down the aging process of the organs. The consumption of vitamin A should be reduced, as with the old builds up, while an excess would lead to the defeat of the liver. Men after the age of 45 are useful supplements with magnesium, which regulates the activity of the cardiovascular system, as well as with the calcium combined with vitamin D.
The triggers of the deficiency of vitamins and minerals:
- Coffee, tea, energy. Three cups of coffee is enough to offset the daily dose of vitamins of group b In the pp. Caffeine also reduces the degree of assimilation of iron, calcium, potassium, zinc.
- The consumption of alcohol. Hampers the absorption of vitamins of group b, as well as With, Say, regular consumption of alcohol of your body active lava potassium, zinc, calcium, magnesium, iron.
- The habit of smoking. The nicotine does not be selenium, which destroy vitamins A, c, E.
- Factors of stress. Lead to deficits of b vitamins. S.
- Excessive sugar consumption, chronic illness, drugs (antibiotics, statins, laxatives, diuretics). The last especially actively reduce the amount of vitamins A, D, E.
The effectiveness of food directly depends on the way of its reception – how well prepared to be assimilated by the body. Some vitamins are fat-soluble, other − soluble in water. The first group refers To, E, P, D, it is best to grab the fat products (grated carrot, and not in vain, it is water with vegetable oil or cream is sour – without them, the substances are not metabolized). The elements of this group are accumulated and stored in fat fiber of the body.
In the water dissolve well the vitamins c and of group of Century the Body uses them immediately, removing the remains with the urine. Only b12 can be stored in the liver for the next few years. Take water-soluble vitamins better tomorrow, 30 minutes before breakfast, during, or immediately after. B1, b6 and b12 should not be taken along with milk. The timeout should be at least 3-4 hours.
Minerals it is advisable to take during the second half of the day in the intervals between the meals. The iron with the calcium are not compatible, since they mutually inhibit the absorption. If the supplement is full, so eating them is better in the morning. These medications are incompatible with the porridge oats (minerals are not going to be). Iron supplements you can take fruit juices – vitamin c contributes to their assimilation.
The optimal time for the reception of some of the items:
- From 21 until 24: calcium, magnesium;
- From the 18 until the 21: vitamins D, A, omega fatty acids-acid;
- From 12 until 18: zinc, iodine, coenzyme;
- From the 6 to the 12 of the day: c, E, b group, iron.
If the supplement is complete – the manufacturer has been concerned about the combination of elements and consume the drug can during the breakfast. Chew not designed for this purpose, the tablet can not.
The danger of overdose
The production and trade of bio-additives is a profitable business, offers to the owners of millions of dollars. To the people since childhood, raises the need of receiving to good health, however, are often the cause of diseases. An overdose of water soluble vitamins mainly produces symptomatic improvement violations (allergies), which passed after the cancellation. The excess fat soluble much more dangerous, as these do not appear, and accumulate in the liver and adipose tissue.
An overdose of vitamin D causes the leaching of calcium from the bones, the education of calcifications in the walls of the vessels. An excess of vitamin a, is deposited in the kidneys and the liver, which can lead to a breach of the change of the substances, anemia, disruption of the functioning of the digestive system. High doses of vitamin b6 (10 mg) called the defeat of the nerves (neuropathy), often irreversibly. The beta-carotene is dangerous for smokers and fans of alcohol may lead to cancer.
The excess of vitamin E causes headaches, digestive problems, muscle weakness, can reduce the clotting of the blood. On the portal presents the results of the research of the american scientists, according to which the men regularly take vitamin E, a 17% increased risk of developing prostate cancer. In the measure of authenticity of the information and in what form this will take is a supplement of a stranger.
An overdose of vitamin With the threat of thrombosis, diarrhea, acid reflux, nausea, rheumatic fever, disease. The excessive consumption of b2 causes the pathology is the nervous system and the cardiovascular system.
Long-term consumption of vitamins monocomplexes will cause the body to stop assimilate, street metabolic processes, you will begin the reactions of poisoning.
You should not drink supplements course of "just in case". Make sure that the need of his reception by the analysis of the vitamin-mineral profile: just parisian to give hair, toenail, urine, or blood in the study in any location of the lab network. Analysis expensive, but many spend far more money on useless and even dangerous medicines, instead of revealing the true deficit and to consult the nutritionist.
Vitamins in foods: why natural most useful artificial
Natural vitamins are much more useful synthetic, because in them is present the protein the book foundation, and in artificial, not. The crystal structure of the past hard it is fragmented and partially digested. The result is an accumulation of chemical substances in the urine acquires a characteristic odor). The kidneys and the liver receive additional load. When you receive the vitamins in the foods and beverages the intestinal microorganisms digest and remove all the excess.
The vitamin E (which is the most important for the male sexual health system) in the majority of the medications listed in abbreviated form. In nature is composed of eight connections (isomers), and is often sold is only one (alpha-tocopherol), so that the full effect of the receipt of the missing. When it saturates the body of an isomer other is ruined. The entry in the remedy of dl-alpha-tocopherol means that the connection between the be assimilated only half. The respect to the quality of the drug prefix consists of a single letter d: d-alpha-tocopherol.
Natural tocopherol synthetic more potent than 50 times, that already includes in its composition tocotrienols. To ensure the body antioxidants, simply paris with hiring the following products: flax seed oil, olive oil, walnuts and hazelnuts, sunflower oil.
Table 2. The vitamins in the food

Vitamin | Where is |
And | In its purest form: the butter, the fats, the liver of marine animals and fish, the yolk of an egg. In the form of provitamin (carotene): squash, carrots, tomatoes, struchkovaya beans. Pro-vitamin a is converted in retinol directly on the body in the course of biochemical processes. |
D | Butter, fish oil, liver, egg yolk. Transformation in the active form is necessary in the light of the sun. |
And | Oils green leafy vegetables, liver, milk, egg yolk, butter, meat. |
B1 | Brewer's yeast, kidneys, liver, the germ of the grain. |
B2 | Milk, liver, egg whites, fish, poultry, legumes. |
B5 | In almost all foods, synthesized by intestinal the ediacarense. |
B6 | The liver, the yeast, produced in the intestine. |
B12 | The meat, the liver of the fish and the animals. |
B9 | Legumes, eggs, milk, cabbage, whole grains, nuts. |
With | The rose hips, bell pepper, citrus, gooseberry. |
If the man is fed well (not components of the boxes, and packages), what additional in the reception area of artificial vitamins unnecessary. Modern average a man consumes little physical strength, so that all the standard required the body of the substances can be obtained from the following products (approximate set):
- Vitamins: 2 eggs, sweet paprika, sunflower oil, 100 g of beef liver.
- Minerals: potatoes, whole wheat bread, 100 g of cheese.
- Vitamin D for the "sons of the dungeon": blue fish, tree nuts, fish and shellfish.
If the man is actively engaged in sports activities, the focus should be on b12, c, and D. For office workers it needs more amount of vitamins of the b group. S. vegans can not do without the reception of the amino acid methionine.
What vitamins to choose
If it detects the lack of a series of items, you fill your quality medication. In the substances present in the digestible forms.
Among scientists there is a consensus, to the extent detrimental or beneficial synthetic vitamins – some studies are going against each other. It is the trust in one's own mind. If disturbed in power, has impaired the erection, should not be asked immediately wanted multivitamin. Initially, it is important to exclude diseases of the genitourinary system, and then figure out which elements is not sufficient in the body, and only after this, it makes sense to begin the course of vitamins.